成都創新互聯是一家專業提供澄海企業網站建設,專注與成都網站設計、成都網站建設、H5響應式網站、小程序制作等業務。10年已為澄海眾多企業、政府機構等服務。創新互聯專業網絡公司優惠進行中。最近需要將使用keras訓練的模型移植到手機上使用, 因此需要轉換到tensorflow的二進制模型。
# coding=utf-8 import sys from keras.models import load_model import tensorflow as tf import os import os.path as osp from keras import backend as K def freeze_session(session, keep_var_names=None, output_names=None, clear_devices=True): """ Freezes the state of a session into a prunned computation graph. Creates a new computation graph where variable nodes are replaced by constants taking their current value in the session. The new graph will be prunned so subgraphs that are not neccesary to compute the requested outputs are removed. @param session The TensorFlow session to be frozen. @param keep_var_names A list of variable names that should not be frozen, or None to freeze all the variables in the graph. @param output_names Names of the relevant graph outputs. @param clear_devices Remove the device directives from the graph for better portability. @return The frozen graph definition. """ from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util import convert_variables_to_constants graph = session.graph with graph.as_default(): freeze_var_names = list(set(v.op.name for v in tf.global_variables()).difference(keep_var_names or [])) output_names = output_names or [] output_names += [v.op.name for v in tf.global_variables()] input_graph_def = graph.as_graph_def() if clear_devices: for node in input_graph_def.node: node.device = "" frozen_graph = convert_variables_to_constants(session, input_graph_def, output_names, freeze_var_names) return frozen_graph input_fld = sys.path[0] weight_file = 'your_model.h6' output_graph_name = 'tensor_model.pb' output_fld = input_fld + '/tensorflow_model/' if not os.path.isdir(output_fld): os.mkdir(output_fld) weight_file_path = osp.join(input_fld, weight_file) K.set_learning_phase(0) net_model = load_model(weight_file_path) print('input is :', net_model.input.name) print ('output is:', net_model.output.name) sess = K.get_session() frozen_graph = freeze_session(K.get_session(), output_names=[net_model.output.op.name]) from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_io graph_io.write_graph(frozen_graph, output_fld, output_graph_name, as_text=False) print('saved the constant graph (ready for inference) at: ', osp.join(output_fld, output_graph_name))
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