以下是一個可以使用的腳本 。在這種交互式的應用中,經常需要用到休眠函數,這樣可以對輸出的界面顯示更加友好,而且也可能盡量多的減少 錯誤的出現
\ 需轉義為 \\\
} 需轉義為 \}
[ 需轉義為 \[
$ 需轉義為 \\\$
` 需轉義為 \`
" 需轉義為 \\\"
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout -1#永不超時
set deviceType [lindex $argv 0]
set writesize [lindex $argv 1] #設置輸入變量
set i 0 #設置變量
log_file test.log #記錄log。
#log_file -noappend rtime_md_test_${stationNum}_[clock format $currenttime -format %m%d%H].log
spawn /home/redhat/Downloads/Mitsubishi/Latest/Driver/Sample/md_test
expect {
"menu No" {exp_send "1\r" ;exp_continue}
"ChanelNo" {exp_send "151\r"}
expect {
"mode = " {exp_send "\\-1\r"} #這里比較坑爹,害我查了很久很久,最后試出來的
while {$i<10} { #循環語法使用
expect {
"menu No" {exp_send "11\r"}
#exec sleep 1
expect {
"StationNo" {exp_send "255\r"}
exec sleep 0.01 #休眠時間可以是小數
expect {
"NetworkNo" {exp_send "1\r"}
exec sleep 0.01
expect {
"DeviceType" {exp_send "$deviceType\r"}
exec sleep 0.01
expect "DeviceNo.(or ChannelNo.)" {exp_send "0\r"}
exec sleep 0.01
expect "WriteSize" {exp_send "$writesize\r"}
exec sleep 0.01
expect "WriteDataType" {exp_send "2\r"}
exec sleep 0.1
expect "menu No." {exp_send "12\r"}
exec sleep 0.01
expect {
"StationNo" {exp_send "255\r"}
exec sleep 0.01
expect {
"NetworkNo" {exp_send "1\r"}
exec sleep 0.01
expect {
"DeviceType" {exp_send "$deviceType\r"}
exec sleep 0.01
expect "DeviceNo.(or ChannelNo.)" {exp_send "0\r"}
exec sleep 0.01
expect "ReadSize" {exp_send "$writesize\r"}
incr i
expect "menu No" {exp_send "0\r"}
expect eof
expect語法基礎: while、for 循環、if 語句的用法示例
for {set i 0} {$i<=10} {incr i} {#i默認增量是1,即等價incr i 1。注意這個反括號一定要寫在這行行末:args: should be "for start test next command"
Q:能不能改為i為我指定的幾個數就好。比如我指定i為 3 5 6 7 9這幾個數? 謝謝。
foreach i { 1 3 5 7 9 } {
puts "$i"
}注:expect 用的是tcl語法,不是shell語法,或者用switch
[15:33:05-Bob@hzling08:~/test/tcl]-(1109)No.108->$ cat tclfor.test
#!/usr/bin/expect --
# http://bbs.chinaunix.net/thread-2301733-1-1.html
# for Bob testing
puts "---1---"
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
puts "I inside first loop: $i"
puts "---2---"
for {set i 3} {$i < 2} {incr i} {
puts "I inside second loop: $i"
puts "---3---"
puts "Start"
set i 0
while {$i < 10} {
puts "I inside third loop: $i"
incr i
puts "I after incr: $i"
} set i 0
incr i
puts "---4---"
puts "$i"
# This is equivalent to:
set i [expr {$i + 1}] #expect里的加減法
puts "---5---"
puts "$i"
[15:33:09-Bob@hzling08:~/test/tcl]-(1110)No.109->$ ./tclfor.test
if { $sync_flag == "true" } {
puts "Sync start at [clock format [clock seconds]]"
catch {eval exec ${TOOL_HOME}/bin/${sync_cmd} ${sync_parm} } output
puts $output
if { $output eq "SYNC complete!" } {
puts "SYNC complete!"
} else {
puts "SYNC error!"
exit 1
puts "Sync end at [clock format [clock seconds]]"
set p_loop 5
while { $p_loop } {
send_user "\nStpe 1 Ping to server..."
set timeout 60
send "ping -c5\r"
expect {
"64 bytes" {
send_user "ok"
set p_loop 0
timeout {
set p_loop [expr $p_loop-1] #expect里的加減法
send_user "failed.\n"
eof {
send_user "ping -c5 FAIL\n"
exit 1
#!/usr/bin/expect --
# http://scmbob.org/counting_file_lines.html
#open a file
set fd [open "/home/xiabao/myfile.txt" r]
set number 0
# read each line
while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } { incr number }
puts "Number of lines: $number"
close $fd
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