Many users, especially new users or those who want to build concrete mixing plants, will have this problem, that is, they want to know the investment and profit ratio of concrete mixing plants, especially how much profit they can create in a year.其實,這個首先和設備選擇的型號大小相關,就是較大型號的混凝土攪拌站設備具有較好的生產效率,那么在同樣生產量的前提下,較大設備具有較好的利潤回收并且可以較好的盈利。我們知道混凝土攪拌機設備可以分為大中小三種型號,各種型號具有不同的產量。In fact, this is first related to the model size of the equipment selection, that is, the larger model of concrete mixing plant equipment has better production efficiency, so on the premise of the same production capacity, the larger equipment has better profit recovery and can make better profits. We know that concrete mixer equipment can be divided into three types: large, medium and small, and each type has different output.按照180站的產能來算,一年時間,不停歇的干的話可以生產出70-80萬方的混凝土。按照目前的混凝土價格,排除每個地方由于原材料和其它原因,價格浮動也是比較大的,我們僅僅以某地C30為例,大概每方的銷售價在350-450左右,這樣的話,一年的毛利潤有3億左右,去除各種消耗等等之后,大概能夠賺到七千到八千萬左右已經很不錯了。
According to the capacity of 180 stations, 700000-800000 m3 of concrete can be produced in a year without stopping. According to the current concrete price, excluding that the price fluctuation is relatively large due to raw materials and other reasons in each place, we only take C30 in a certain place as an example, and the sales price of each party is about 350-450. In this way, the gross profit of one year is about 300 million. It is good to make about 70-80 million after removing all kinds of consumption.
The cost of concrete mixer mixing equipment is a fixed value. According to the configuration requirements, the manufacturer can implement the investment. When the profit reaches this price in the later stage, it is almost the time when the equipment starts to recover its capital and make profit. In this way, the annual profit of the equipment can be determined.