Remember: you can control the time is limited我僅僅用4秒鐘就能瀏覽完平常的頁面,因此,你沒有足夠的時間吸引用戶并讓他們繼續瀏覽你的網站。也就是說你應盡可能準確的描述你設計的網站是關于什么的。如果它需要讓瀏覽者花費更多的時間去弄明白此
I only use 4 seconds to read ordinary page, therefore, you do not have enough time to attract customers and keep them browsing your site. That is to say you should as far as possible the accurate description of your web design is about what. If it needs to let visitors spend more time to understand this website is about, he will give up and leave.
Remember: the user is skimming the page當你進入一個房間時,你不會具體的看每一樣東西的外表。首先你會注意屋子里面人或物的外形,你環視整個屋子,然后找令你敢興趣的東西。在第一次瀏覽網站的時候也會發生類似的事兒,瀏覽者或用戶首先是大體瀏覽一下。這就需要你引導用戶去你想要讓他們去的地方。它可能是個登陸按鈕、更多內容按鈕、或博客文章等等。
When you enter a room, you will not see concrete everything looks. First you will pay attention to the house of a person or thing is, you scan the room, then find that interests you. A similar thing when first visit to the website will also, visitor or user it first browse. This requires you to guide users to go where you want to let them go. It can be a login button, button, or more blog, etc..
Site of the upper left corner is the most obvious這是大家公認的事實。主要原因是大家都是用這種習慣方式來讀書讀文章的(從左上角的位置開始),另外早期的網站和應用軟件也是基于此方法進行設計開發的。我們通常會把LOGO放在左上角,這樣是很好的。但是考慮一下加入一個或者兩個其他的元素在這個位置讓它看起來更明顯(注冊的鏈接、搜索的表單、標語等)。
It is well known fact. The main reason is that everyone is used to read books and articles that way (starting from the left corner), in addition to the early web sites and applications were designed that way. We often put LOGO at the top left corner, so is very good. But think about adding one or two other elements in the position to make it more prominent (login link, the search form, slogan).
The "F" structure一些視覺跟蹤調查研究證明,用戶瀏覽網站的視覺路線類似于字母“F”型。最頂部的位置總是能被看到,中間區域僅有一半被看到,再往下只有左邊一部分能被看到。當你在設計
Some visual tracking research proof, the users browse the web site visual line like the letter "F". The top most position can always be seen, middle area half seen, then only the left part can be seen. When you are in the construction design and marketing type site do not know when will a content block time in what position, you can consider this factor.
Learn what users ignore用戶都是對廣告視而不見的。他們習慣于忽略圖片廣告和文字廣告。避免設計的東西看上去像廣告,同時,用戶也會忽略大塊的文字區域。沒有人有時間(更確切的說是耐心?。┤ラ喿x大片的文字,他們僅僅是了解頁面文章的大意。
Users are ad to pay no heed. They learned to ignore image ads and text ads. Avoid anything that looks like an advertisement, at the same time, the user can ignore large blocks of text. No people have time (more precisely, patience!) To read large text, they are just to get a general idea of the page.
Text and pictures一個有趣的事實是。文字比那些絕妙的圖片更能夠獲得注意!如果你想向你的用戶傳達信息,我建議你使用大的標語文字來代替那些很炫的頭部圖片……
One interesting fact is that. The text can be more than those wonderful pictures get attention! If you want to convey to your user information, I suggest you use a large slogan instead of cool head......
Design elements to attract attention來吸引注意的好的元素是文字口號,行動綱領的按鈕(通常用亮色調),分成1-2-3級,或者就是一個普通的列表……
To attract the attention of good elements are text slogans, action buttons (usually using bright colors), divided into class 1-2-3, or an ordinary list......
If you wrote a long article, one of the most important things are headings. Small title other than the content easy to get attention. Use the appropriate title, the subject of this article to the user through the simple steps.
Text format恰當的文字格式的編排更有意于閱讀。不要擔心使用過多的段落、加粗、斜體、引用、下劃線或者字母大小寫……它們都可以讓文字塊更有視覺沖擊力。當然,你也需要用格式化強調一些你認為很重要的文字或者句子,這些能夠引導你的讀者閱讀完全文。
The appropriate text formatting more intended to read. Don't be afraid to use write paragraphs, bold, italic, underline, reference or letter size much...... They can make the text block more visual impact. Of course, you also need to be formatted with the emphasis on some do you think very important words or sentences, which can guide your reader through the article.
Use concise picture我前面已經提及過用戶對廣告是視而不見的。當你在設計過程中使用到圖片時,要確保它們不要雜亂、令人討厭或不被理解。大部分人感覺看雜亂、色彩花哨的圖片是比較費勁兒的。圖片應該簡潔、易理解的。
I already mentioned that the user is to pay no heed to the advertisement. When you use the pictures in the design process, to ensure that they don't clutter, hate or don't understand. Most people feel look cluttered, colorful pictures is more difficult. The picture should be concise, easy to understand.
You use the human face image is more likely to cause the attention of the user, especially when the image characters of eyes staring at the user. Of course, you can also use the gaze direction to guide users to focus on one direction.
The use of white space使用留白可以給某些元素更多的可視空間,如果某元素與邊距或其它元素太近就容易被混淆,那就需要給它留點呼吸的空間。尤其在文字與文字內容之間。
Visual spatial use whitespace can give some element more, if a certain element and the margins or other elements too close to be confusing, it would need to leave some breathing space to it. Especially in the text.